2021, December 8 • 12:45pm – 1:45pm – Track D
Whether you are composting, repairing, or reducing the materials that come through your facility, measuring your material usage and tracking your progress against zero waste goals is crucial to developing a sustainable economy. Our panelists have been at the ground level conducting zero waste audits, as well as at the high level of overseeing operations and implementing policy and employee training. Join our session to hear about tried-and-true strategies to approach zero waste goals along with cutting edge tracking software to maximize your bottom-line. We will also discuss how to utilize zero waste strategies to scale such projects up, so make sure to tune in to learn from the experts!
Moderator: Celeste McMickle, Director TRUE, U.S. Green Building Council
- Krietta Marley, Director of Client Operations, Foodprint Group
- Jasmine Johnson, Horticulturist & Zero Waste Team Leader, Battery Park City Authority
- Angela Moore, LEED AP O+M , TRUE Advisor Sustainability Coordinator, Missouri Hisotrical Society