Plenary: Recycling Is Infrastructure Too!

December 9, 2021 from 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm

Speaker: Moderator: Jill Donello • Panelists: Gary Liss, Bob Gedert, Lynn Hoffman, Bryan Ukena

2021, December 9 • 1:00pm – 1:40pm

While we can’t recycle our way to Zero Waste, we can’t get to Zero Waste without recycling. This plenary panel features speakers working to support recycling from the halls of Congress to the collection crews and the processors in between. Learn about the kinds of investment in recycling infrastructure the industry agrees we need, about the role of mission-based recycling collection businesses, and about the promise of community-based MRFs in moving us further down the road to Zero Waste.

Moderator: Jill Donello, GreenEducation.US


  • Bob Gedert, President, National Recycling Coalition
  • Gary Liss, Vice-President, Zero Waste USA & Co-Chair, National Recycling Coalition Conference Committee
  • Lynn Hoffman, National Coordinator, Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers
  • Bryan Ukena, CEO, Recycle Ann Arbor