Gary Liss has 47 years’ of experience in recycling, is a leading advocate of Zero Waste, and has worked on more Zero Waste Plans than anyone else in the U.S., including: Los Angeles, Palo Alto, Oakland, San Jose, Boston, Austin, and Fort Collins. He also has helped major businesses and colleges develop Zero Waste Plans. He helped USEPA develop electronic guides on “RFPs and Contracts” and “Managing and Transforming Waste Streams”.
Mr. Liss is Vice President of Zero Waste USA and past President of the US Zero Waste Business Council and the National Recycling Coalition. He was Solid Waste Program Manager for the City of San Jose and Executive Director of the California Resource Recovery Association. He is an assessor for the TRUE Zero Waste Rating System of GBCI and a USGBC TRUE Advisor. He is certified by SWANA as a Certified Practitioner of Zero Waste Principles & Practices and by the US Zero Waste Business Council as a Zero Waste Business Associate. He served on Town Council and was Mayor in 2010 of Loomis, CA.
He has a Master of Public Administration degree from Rutgers University and a Bachelor in Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering major) from Tufts University