How Data Visibility Drives Innovation

November 30, 2022 from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm

Speaker: Moderator: Steven Sherman • Speakers: Amy Marpman, Anna Dengler, Nikhil Balachandran

Times are listed in Pacific Standard Time

Getting to “Zero Waste” requires knowledge across the waste supply chain at a level of detail most organizations have never previously been able to analyze. Doing a gap analysis, gathering data, and using emerging techniques to know not just what is in “the aggregate bin” but is being tossed at each step, where contamination is occurring, and notifying stakeholders can revolutionize your programs. You’ll have a chance to hear the surprises across industries both inside the building and outside that will challenge you to re-think how you’ve previously collected data and analyzed your waste stream to drive positive outcomes.

Moderator: Steven Sherman, Independent Resource Economist/Planner


  • Amy Marpman, Director of Sustainability, SBM – Value of Zero Waste Gap Analysis
  • Anna Dengler, Senior Sustainability Advisor, Great Forest – Largest Study on Commercial Building Waste: Findings and Key Takeaways
  • Nikhil Balachandran, CEO, Zabble Inc – A New Sampling Technique to Measure Contamination