Steven Sherman, resource economist/planner, is a leading technical and policy expert on the development of municipal organics programs; in addition, he has extensive board experience. His consulting, research, operations, policy, education, and training efforts over a 30-year period have helped to lay the groundwork for food scraps management as a cornerstone of zero waste, and advanced recycling efforts taken by local governments. Several of his clients, including San Francisco, Portland, California’s East Bay Municipal Utilities District (EBMUD), and the Alameda County Waste Management Authority (StopWaste.Org), have won state and national awards for their leadership in organics management (e.g., composting, anaerobic digestion, plastics restrictions, landfill bans, mandatory source separation). Steven co-founded the California Organics Recycling Council in 1992. He has served in officer roles with the Alameda County Recycling Board, San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union, and Upstream. Steven earned a B.A. from Yale College and an M.S. in Resource Economics from Cornell University.

Steven Sherman
Independent Consultant
Resource Economist & Planner