Dec 1 – Presentations

Zero Waste for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Facilities- topics including recycling during pandemic, bagless recycle, contracts with vendors, zw events, signage, zw versus circular economy ...
How TRUE Certification, a zero waste program, can help transform our economy, make businesses more efficient and regenerative while creating equitable, healthy and just workplaces ...
Zero Waste Canada presentation on Zero Waste Hierarchy guiding principle of highest and best use of materials ...
Moderated discussion panel. Presentation will cover UC Berkeley: How to Recycle Right in Today’s Markets Right Sizing Designing it Right Training and Leadership ...
"Building a Circular Economy with Zero Waste Businesses" Architect Clare Miflin will give an overview of best practice strategies from the Zero Waste Design Guidelines, showing how the design of facilities plays a critical role in achieving zero waste operations ...
Topics to be discussed: How to Recycle Right in Today’s Markets Right Sizing Designing it Right Hard to Recycle Materials Business contracts for recycling vendors Liquid wastes Certifications for Events and Construction Sites Hazardous Wastes Training and Leadership ...