Keynote: Untrashing The Planet One Community At A Time

December 9, 2021 from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm

Speaker: Paul Connett for Zero Waste USA & Zero Waste Canada

2021, December 9 • 12:30pm – 1:00pm


“Achieving Zero Waste is not going to be easy, but like sustainability it is a moral imperative unless we wish to see the complete demise of any semblance of a lifestyle over and beyond the barbaric.”

Dr. Paul Connett, Author of “The Zero Waste Solution”, International Zero Waste Advocate and former chemistry Professor, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY.
Dr. Paul Connett
Dr. Paul Connett

A thought-provoking and entertaining speaker, Paul will brief us on his recent work and on what is happening around the world. For the past 36 years, Paul has given over 3,000 pro-bono public presentations on incineration and waste management in 49 US states, 7 Canadian provinces and 69 other countries. A board member of Zero Waste International Alliance and an Advisor to Zero Waste USA, Paul has co-authored 6 peer reviewed and published papers on dioxin; co-edited the newsletter Waste Not; provided expert testimony in court cases; critiqued numerous health risk assessments and co-produced over 50 videos on waste issues, including a 10-part series on dioxin.

Moderator: Gary Liss