2021, December 8 • 12:45pm – 1:15pm – Track A
Recycling markets are always evolving and changing which makes it challenging for any businesses to manage materials. Reprocessors not only need to make sure they are closing loop but they also must be convenient and economical. Our panel of experts will provide you with the most up-to-date technologies, legislation and best practices to maximize your source separated resources. More importantly they will share how to work closely with your purchasing departments to make sure all your materials have markets ready and waiting. This panel will explore how to find reprocessors, brokers, government agencies, and partners to create vibrant markets.
Moderator: Brian Balukonis, Zero Waste Transformational Specialist, Independent Consultant
- Sue Pinera, Senior National Sustainability Manager, SBM Management
- Susan Green, Sr. Manager, Sourcing, Piper Aircraft Inc.
- Dan Noble, Executive Director, Association of Compost Producers
- Jordan Fengel, Sustainability Manager, Tetra Pak