2021, December 9 • 1:45 – 2:30 pm
In 2021, Zero Waste USA initiated the Compostable Organics Out of Landfill Now (COOLNow) campaign to encourage all 50 states to develop robust compost infrastructures and move away from landfilling compostable organics. Members of the COOLNow advisory board will discuss pertinent issues, campaign status and what you can do in your community, at the state level and nationally!
Moderator: Richard Anthony, Vice President, Zero Waste USA
- Peter Anderson, President, Recycle Worlds Consulting
- Sally Brown, Research Professor, University of Washington
- Brenda Platt, Director, Composting for Community Project, Institute for Local Self-Reliance
- Kevin Drew, San Francisco Department of the Environment
- Captain Charles Moore, Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
Bibliography for Peter Anderson’s presentation: