Olivia Sanchez, MBA is the Recycling & Community Outreach Program Coordinator for the Department of Waste Resources for Riverside County. She began her career in the solid waste and recycling field in 1999 and worked in both the public and private sector. She has worked in grant management and program implementation in the areas of household hazardous waste, solid waste and recycling program planning/implementation, waste/recycling analysis, school gardening education, composting, marketing, outreach and education. In the latter part of her career, she expanded her skillset to include franchise contract compliance, green building education, construction/demolition programs, solid waste operations/hauling, landfill diversion programs, food rescue programs and legislative compliance. She has her undergraduate and Masters degree in Business Administration and is a current doctoral student in the Public Administration field.

Olivia Sanchez
Riverside County - Department of Waste Resources
Recycling & Community Outreach Program Coordinator