Amanda Rice Waddle

Amanda is a Zero Waste consultant working with communities to build their Zero Waste Master Plans. Amanda lives in Gainesville, FL and has been instrumental in getting Gainesville and Alachua County on the path to Zero Waste through her volunteer work as co-chair of Zero Waste Gainesville.
Amanda is also the Director of Zero Waste at The Repurpose Project, where she works with K-12 schools, small businesses, and events to get them on the path to Zero Waste. She also creates educational material on Zero Waste, plastic pollution, reuse, environmental and social justice related to plastic pollution, and Zero Waste communities.
Amanda is also an instructor for Zero Waste USA’s Zero Waste Associates classes. She is especially proficient in data management and modeling Zero Waste analytics for communities.
Amanda has a Master of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the University of Florida, she is certified as a Zero Waste Associate through Zero Waste USA, and also holds certificates in Sustainable Resources Management. Her deep understanding of natural systems, where nothing is wasted is communicated through her Zero Waste work.

Amanda is a Zero Waste Consultant, Zero Waste Educator, Co-Chair of Zero Waste Gainesville, and Director of Zero Waste at The Repurpose Project.

The Repurpose Project & Zero Waste Gainesville
Director of Zero Waste