PLENARY #1 – Future Focus: Perspectives on Zero Waste

December 1, 2022 from 8:45 am to 9:45 am

Speaker: Moderator: Dennis Uyat • Speakers: Rachana Shah, Rafaelo James D. Villavicencio, Nivi Achanta, Whitney Amaya

Times are listed in Pacific Standard Time

In recent years, attention has moved from particular items in waste streams, to the underlying cultural and systemic practices that affect lands and people near and far. In this plenary, we delve into tourism waste in the Philippines, complex systems theory, and the role of joy in recrafting narratives on zero waste futures.

Moderator: Dennis Uyat, Program Committee, Zero Waste USA


  • Rachana Shah, Zero Waste Consultant, Common Ground Compost, Stop Arranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic. Start Pulling Levers That Actually Create System Change.
  • Raphaelo James D. Villavicencio, Program Manager, Mother Earth Foundation, Zero Waste Islands – Province Of Siquijor, The Philippines
  • Whitney Amaya, Incinerator Organizer, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, California Assembly Bill 1857 and the Campaign to Close the California Incinerators
  • Nivi Achanta, CEO & Community Leader, Soapbox Project, Zero-Waste Education That Works: Joy-Centric Strategies for a Cleaner Planet