Zero Waste Strategies for Construction and Demolition

November 30, 2022 from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm

Speaker: Moderator: Celeste McMickle • Speakers: Patricia Lloyd, Adriana Velázquez, Holly Griffith

Times are listed in Pacific Standard Time

Zero Waste is not just about manufacturing and products. Construction and demolition of working spaces generate some of the most voluminous and valuable materials that are often lost to landfill or inefficient utilization. In this session toolkits for zero waste construction, deconstruction and interior design will be shared with several examples. TRUE staff will discuss the current offering for a pilot program to set the standard and certify construction sites as zero waste; Metro Vancouver will showcase how they have revamped their toolkit for C&D to increase awareness of reuse and recycling; and Patty Lloyd will share key lessons being incorporated into a Toolkit for Reuse. Whether you are building, decommissioning, redesigning or redecorating, this session will help you focus on how your next C&D project can be zero waste.

Moderator: Celeste McMickle TRUE Director, USGBC
