Jamie Kaminski

[1989 – Present] 32 years in industry operations, 15 of which as General Manager.
[2006 – 2014] Policy Advisor for the Recycling Council of BC (Policies created include: Zero Waste Hierarchy, EPR evaluation criteria & compostable bags).
[2013 – Present] Board Member & Lead Policy Advisor of Zero Waste Canada – The Canadian National Affiliate of the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA).
[2014 – Present] Board Member of the Zero Waste International Alliance – The governing authority on Zero Waste policies and practices on the global stage.
[2014 – Present] Active Member of the certification committee for the Zero Waste International Alliance – Policy group (Chair to both the Zero Waste Definition and Zero Waste Hierarchy working groups).
[2013 – Present] Panel Advisor for the United Labs Technical Panel for UL2799 Zero Waste to Landfill Certification Standard.
[2013 – Present] Active Member of the Metro Vancouver Disposal Ban Effectiveness Working Group.
[2013 – 2016] Active Member of the Recycle First Coalition (a group of 12 of the largest material processors in BC dedicated to providing quality input to the revision of Metro Vancouverʼs bylaw 181, that governs the licensing and structure of Solid Waste Management in the Region of Metro Vancouver).
Moderated and presented locally and internationally at Zero Waste conferences from the United States to the Philippines (topics included Zero Waste in Canada, the Zero Waste Hierarchy, and Metro Vancouverʼs Disposal Bans).

Zero Waste Canada
Director of Policy