Jamie Kaminski

Jamie Kaminski is a Zero Waste Business Associate (ZWA, TRUE Advisor) and is President of HSR Zero Waste. He is a Board Member of Zero Waste Canada and the Zero Waste International Alliance and is Chair of the Zero Waste Definition and Zero Waste Hierarchy working group.

With 30+ years of experience in solid waste management from a ground-level and policymaking perspective and 10 years providing education and training in Zero Waste, Jamie is considered an expert in international best practices in zero waste policies and programs. He works with fellow policy advisors to create strong, practical, and enforceable policies that drive change toward zero waste. Jamie has developed extensive experience in understanding how regional policies and bylaws affect the existing waste management system from the perspective of the service provider, the client, and the region. Jamie loves to share his experience in the Zero Waste community by educating, presenting, and discussing Zero Waste issues with, University and grad students who represent the next generation of Zero Wasters!

HSR Zero Waste