Chrise is a Zero Waste specialist, educator, & advocate. She is Berkeley’s ZW Commission Vice Chair (former two-time Chair); as Chair, she coordinated and conducted the public outreach/input-gathering efforts instrumental for 2019’s landmark Single-Use Disposable Foodware & Litter Reduction Ordinance passage. She is an instructor for Zero Waste USA’s certification program, assistant project manager for Berkeley’s Zero Waste Strategic Plan development, team lead for Palm Springs’ foodware reduction ordinance implementation efforts, SFE’s food service providers survey project for proposed reusables only on-site dining ordinance (Abbe & Associates); Marin County proposed foodware reduction policy stakeholder outreach team member (R3). Chrise is the former marketing/outreach/education manager for CARE’s CA Carpet Stewardship program.
A Zero Waste USA-certified Associate, she also holds professional certificates in Sustainable Resources Management (Green Education US/San Jose State, CA) and Sustainable Business Practices (Dominican University, CA, for which she became its program director. Chrise holds a BA from UC Berkeley.

Christienne de Tournay Birkhahn
ZWUSA and Independent
Instructor and ZW Consultant