Dan Fritschen

Dan Fritschen is a researcher with WasteFree23.org. Dan brings more than 30 years of management, development and engineering experience to the WasteFree23 team to combat the greatest challenges of our times – Global Warming and Plastic Pollution.

WasteFree23 is an international network of individuals, communities, and organizations that create, promote, and train any interested participant on processes and equipment needed to end the burning, trucking, and dumping of household waste. The solutions we create and promote cost nothing to start and can be expanded to process 1,000 tonnes of waste per week. The processes promote education and self-reliance. They each can be profitable, create employment, start careers and build wealth in all communities. WasteFree23 offers all content,
services, and online training free-of-charge.

Started in Nairobi in 2023 – WasteFree23.org and its network of communities have:
-Enabled 12,000 households to be waste-free
-Empowered groups to implement solutions in 23 cities in 9 countries
-3,900 jobs have been created or wages increased
-320 tonnes of household waste has been recycled instead of burnt, dumped or trucked
-6,500 students have received the Pencils for Plastics sustainability classes
WasteFree23.org has made accessible to every community worldwide the safe and effective solutions to recycle ALL the communities’ own household waste. Processed at a profit:
– All plastics
– Diapers
– Food waste
– Latrine waste
– Green/Agricultural waste
– Paper

In 2024, WasteFree23.org created and has begun promoting a Zero Pollution Zero Fuel cost Sustainable Heatbank and Community Kitchen (SHaCK) that eliminates the consumption of firewood by 500,000 schools worldwide. The schools will now save $500 million dollars a year in fuel costs and prevent the cutting of tens of millions of trees.
