Will Bakx started composting in 1982 at Sonoma State University as student manager of the Ecological Food Production Garden. In 1985 he launched Bennett Valley Farm Compost, processing various agricultural and fish industry discards. In 1993 he started the Sonoma county-wide yard debris composting program as Sonoma Compost Company (SCC). He has diverted over 1,800,000 tons of organics from the landfill, creating high quality mulches and composts allowed for organic food production, including biodynamic® composts. Currently working as compost consultant and is a principal in Renewable Sonoma, a rebirth of SCC. His focus educational focus is on creating healthy soils and carbon farming/gardening as a tool to mitigate climate change.
He is the adjunct compost instructor at the Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) and serves as chair of the SRJC Sustainable Agriculture Advisory Committee. He also serves on the US Compost Council Compost Training Committee and is a co-instructor for its Compost Operator’s Training week. He is the co-founder and board member of the California Organics Recycling Council (CORC) and the co-founder and executive board member of the California Compost Coalition (CCC).
Will earned a BA in Environmental Studies from Sonoma State University and an MS in Soil Science from U.C. Berkeley.