Schooled in Zero Waste

October 25, 2023 from 12:45 pm to 1:45 pm

Speaker: Moderator: Jeremy Drake • Speakers: Lisa Clarke, Nathalie Burgeff, Devin Jackson

Times are listed in Pacific Standard Time

Across California, educational institutions now face the challenge of adhering to state resource management legislation. However, this task remains far from simple for administrators, custodians, teachers, facilities, students, and the non-profits who support them. While colleges around the country are rising to lead in zero waste, many are encountering the limited effectiveness of waste audits in inspiring meaningful change. With the increasingly apparent link between “waste” and “climate change,” teachers are finding that what’s in the trash may need to be put into the curriculum-so what’s the best way to engage students? Join this insightful session on K12-College Zero Waste interventions.

  • Lisa Clarke, Founder / Executive Director, Sustainable Marin Schools Climate Action in K-12 Public Schools
  • Nathalie Burgeff, Zero Waste Fellow, Prescott College Transitioning Prescott College to a Zero Waste Campus 
  • Devin Jackson, Teacher/Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, Mt. Diablo Unified School District/Northern California Recycling Association Board Member Forming a Youth-led Environmental Literacy Green Team at School Sites

Moderator: Jeremy Drake, Strategy Zero Waste Solutions

Lisa Clarke, Sustainable Marin Schools
Nathalie Burgeff, Prescott College
Devin Jackson, Mt. Diablo Unified School District