Nazir Khan has co-led the formation of the Minnesota Environmental Justice Table, where he works with communities fighting for environmental justice — communities fighting against being sacrificed for profit and fighting instead for a regenerative, caring, and sustainable society. He has been involved over the last 15 years in the climate, labor, and HIV/AIDS movements and borne witness to these movements creating profound social change, often starting with a few individuals working on some local issue.
The Minnesota Environmental Justice Table is a diverse coalition of community members and organizations building an environmental justice formation across the North Star State. They work to both support base-building efforts in frontline communities and coordinate their representation at state energy and climate policy tables. Their dual project goals of environmental justice and zero waste include reducing toxic pollution loads and GHG emissions and creating much-needed jobs through reuse, recycling, and composting. They are dedicated to ending incineration in Minnesota and developing a zero waste plan for the state. They organize with the most marginalized, including BIPOC, poor, homeless, and incarcerated people, many of whom are harmed by the HERC incinerator.