Mersy Maradiaga graduated as a civil engineer and has been working with Turner Construction for the past 4 years. She is a sustainability engineer for a special assignment with Turner headquarters’ sustainability team. Her role consists of researching waste in the C&D industry with the idea to implement better waste management practices at Turner. For the past 15 years, Turner has had the goal of diverting 50% of the waste that they produce; however through Mersy’s special assignment it has been discovered that there is a lot of room for improvement. The waste focus in the construction industry has to go beyond recycling. She has done an analysis to understand the carbon impact of waste based on the amount of debris that is generated at Turner using their waste data history. In addition, through on going conversations with Turner employees around the nation she has also done case studies on projects that have done great waste management practices. Turner is a leader in green building and as such, Mersy highlights how Turner is paving the path by having a waste steering committee and implementing waste reduction initiatives.

Mersy Maradiaga
Turner Construction
Sustainability Engineer