Kevin Koertje

With over 25 years of experience with Boise Paper, Kevin has spent a significant amount of time working with end user clients to reduce their impact on the environment. Boise Paper has long been committed to responsible fiber procurement practices. The International Falls mill is certified to all three procurement standards available in the United States, FSC, SFI and PEFC.

Kevin has aided corporate clients in understanding the differences between recycled and non-recycled paper grades and their impact on the environment. He has also shared best practices to eliminate paper waste. Kevin strongly believes in the power of taking clients out into US forests so that they have a better understanding of the positive impact achieved using paper made from trees. Boise Paper works closely with many companies to educate them on sustainable forestry practices in the United States.

Nearly 70% of paper gets recycled every year. Recycling paper helps keep it out of landfills. Paper is one of the few products that is reusable, renewable and recyclable. We know that by using wood products, we encourage private landowners in the United States to manage their forestland sustainably. Which is why our forestland has grown over the last century. At Boise Paper we know that “Paper grows trees!”