Meleny Thomas

Meleny Thomas is a community organizer, published author, and member of the South Baltimore Community Land Trust. She has over 15 years of serving youth and families in various capacities; some of which include case management, family support services, and afterschool programming and enrichment. Presently, her work focuses on mobilizing youth and community leadership around environmental injustice and affordable housing support.

In 2011, Meleny volunteered with the Free Your Voice Group and United Workers to raise awareness about the proposal of what would have been the largest trash incinerator in the community she resides. Free Your Voice leaders and the community members were successful in shutting the proposal down. That was a true demonstration of People Power and it was that moment and victory that caused Meleny to get involved again in 2018 for the push to fund the cities Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Currently, Meleny and other prominent environmental groups are leading the mission to close our cities current incinerator and introduce greener alternatives. She was a part of the creation of the first Fair Development Plan for Zero Waste which places an emphasis on equity. Meleny believes in equitable fair development and continues to advocate for marginalized communities like the one she resides.

She holds a Bachelors in Psychology, Masters in Nonprofit Management and Leadership and is currently finishing her dissertation in Public Policy and Administration with a specialization in Nonprofit Management and Leadership.

South Baltimore Community Land Trust Inc
Community Organizer