Registration details on the main Webinar page.
10 am – noon PST/1 – 3 pm EST
This is a virtual hands-on webinar. There will be a short introduction then you will break into tables using the REMO virtual platform, with experts at each table for different types of materials (e.g. plastics, metals, glass, paper, organics, carpet, paint, mattresses, construction & demolition materials and reusables).
Our model is “Antiques Road Show” where there are experts around the room that people line up to speak with about their antiques. In this case, experts will be speaking with you about your hard to recycle items.
Bring your own hard to recycle materials or products and review highest and best uses for those materials or products with marketing experts and attendees.
- Glass 1: Myths about Glass Recycling, Curt Bucey, Strategic Materials
- Glass 2: Drop-off v. Curbside: What’s right for your glass?: Laura Hennemann, Strategic
- Organics: Beto Ochoa, Zanker RecyclingMaterials
- Paint: Nichole Dorr and Brett Rodgers, PaintCare
- Mattresses: Mike O’Donnell, Mattress Recycling Council
- Construction & Demolition Materials: Jerame Renteria, Zanker Recycling
- Reusables 1: Dan Knapp, Ph.D (outdoor products), Urban Ore
- Reusables 2: Mary Lou Van Deventer (indoor products), Urban Ore
More have been invited – please contact the NZWC office if you’d like to participate (particularly for plastics and other packaging
REMO allows attendees a high degree of interaction for small group networking. In Remo, attendees are presented with a virtual floor map with multiple “tables” that will be labeled for the material or product of interest. Attendees can move between tables on their own and are able to see everyone else who is “in the room”. When the user moves to a table, they join a live session that looks like Zoom with everyone else at the table. Below is a screen shot of a sample floor map. Take a spin via YouTube on Remo 101 or sign up for a Guided Tour on the Remo website.
To get the most out of participating in this webinar, go to a NRC REMO training right before this webinar at 9 am PST. After you register, NRC will provide you with a link to that training, or contact the office closer to the event.

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